Friday, March 20, 2015 4:57:52 PM
So they could get some equipment into Dallas with a quick jump, that would help out with the long jump home, and they could work out filling the route more for 2016. Look forward to see what equipment they buy.
  •  rodler
  • 76.1% (Friendly)
  • Ride Supervisor
Friday, March 20, 2015 6:45:04 PM

As this all shakes out and even if Reithoffer decides in the future not to continue their venture west, I believe it will make all other major fair midways in the region stronger as others are protecting their turf. Let`s face it. Shows will only be able to put so many expensive pieces in one spot if they are to keep prices of tickets/wristbands down. This is what America is all about. Free enterprise and the ability to be able to compete. Those who have lost out on this deal can bounce back and help their other fairs that have potential reach their potential and grow.